Mentoring a Brighter Future

A Capstone on Mentorship: Programmatic Possibilities

7 June 2023

This 4th of 4 Digital Events on mentorship will follow the third event that focused on the responsibilities and behaviours of the organization and its leaders in facilitating effective mentorship, oversight of a successful mentoring programme, and imbuing a culture of mentorship. This Digital Event features organizational leaders of successful wide-scale mentoring programmes and includes FIP Executive Director, Catherine Duggan, to share her perspectives on mentoring and how might mentoring platforms take further shape in the Federation.

- Dr. Efi Mantzourani, Reader in Pharmaceutical Sciences - Wales

- Shane Desselle, Associate Dean for Research and Professional Affairs Touro University California College of Pharmacy - USA

- Brittany Torres, Associate Pharmacotherapy Touro University California College of Pharmacy - USA
- Helen Chang, Head of Professional Development Royal Pharmaceutical Society - England
- Catherine Duggan, Executive Director International Federation of Pharmacy (FIP) - The Netherlands