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Vaccines & special-risk groups: Chronic Respiratory Conditions
Vaccination is one of the most effective measures to prevent disease transmission and protect populations from a variety of diseases that heavily impact individuals and health systems. Overall, through the provision of person-centred pharmaceutical services, pharmacists play a key role ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing, as well as promoting more effective, rational, and widespread use of vaccines. Among the different special-risk population groups, people living with chronic respiratory conditions have specific vaccination needs that will be discussed in this event.
By the end of the session participants should be able to:
-Understand the risks that this particular population group is exposed to with regards to vaccine-preventable diseases, as well as the benefits of being vaccinated
-Understand the main recommended vaccines for people living with chronic respiratory diseases
-Discuss the role of pharmacists in supporting health literacy and vaccination of this special risk group
-Peter Guthrey, Executive Committee Member of the Social and Administrative Pharmacy Section of FIP; Senior pharmacists - strategic policy The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia - Australia
-Ema Paulino, President National Association of Pharmacies, Portugal (ANF), Portugal
-Fiona Mosgrove, General Practitioner NHS Grampian, UK
-Carmen Baldonedo Mosteiro, Community Pharmacist. Member of the Respiratory task force of the Spanish Society of community Pharmacy (SEFAC), Spanish society of clinical, familiar and community Pharmacy (SEFAC), Spain