Shaping the future of self-care through pharmacy

“Shaping the future of self-care through pharmacy” programme

Health and self-care literacy for the management of minor ailments in the pharmacy 

Empowering patient self-care improves health outcomes and reduces the burden of diseases. Improving health and self-care literacy is key to empowering pharmacy-based self-care. This is especially important when it comes to the management of minor ailments through pharmacy. Consisting of a series of five events focusing on common health issues, this new FIP digital programme aims to examine how pharmacists can be enabled to improve health and self-care literacy. Approaches for each of the five areas of minor ailments will be discussed including embedding health and self-care literacy into education and training, developing self-diagnosis and self-medication protocols, widening access to patient information, and improving referral strategies. 

Innovation in self-care models, shaping the future together.

13 January 2022

This event discusses how targeted switching of prescription only medicines to non-prescription medicines (Over The Counter medicines) can contribute to self-care of a nation’s population. Availability of diagnostics in the pharmacy and beyond can also make an impact on self-care.

Aim: To discuss which medicines are appropriate to switch from prescription-only to non-prescription (Over The Counter Medicines) and describe how diagnostics can support self-care.

Learning objectives:
1. Describe current approaches to switching medicines from prescription to non-prescription and how this supports self-care ;
2. Discuss which medicines should be available over the counter in the pharmacy;
3. Explain how diagnostics can support self-care.

- Jaime Acosta-Gómez, Community Pharmacist and pharmacy owner, Farmacia Acosta, Spain

- Natalie Gauld, Innovator in improving access to medicines Northern Regional Alliance, University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Andi Shirtcliffe, Clinical Chief Advisor for Pharmacy and Allied Health Ministry of Health New Zealand, New Zealand
- Anthony Serracino Inglott, Professor at the Department of Pharmacy Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Malta, Malta