Individual FIP Digital Events

FIP offers a number of individual digital events on various topic within pharmacy practice, science and education.

Advanced and specialist pharmacist development for hospital pharmacists

30 August 2021

This event is for hospital and health-system pharmacists and leaders to review best practices for advanced and specialist pharmacist development in the hospital setting. Content will include information about the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) Position Paper on Hospital Pharmacy Specialisation and the FIP Hospital Pharmacy Section Basel Statements in relation to the future of clinical pharmacy practice.

Learning objectives:
a. Have an increased awareness of the competencies required of a hospital pharmacist
b. Understand global initiatives in progression and recognition pathways for advanced practice and specialisation
c. Identify resources available for use of the FIP HPS Basel Statements in the hospital pharmacy advanced practice
d. Identify new competencies that hospital pharmacists will need in the future

- Lina Bader, FIP Lead for Workforce Transformation and Development, Saudi Arabia

- András Süle, EAHP President & Chief Pharmacist at the Péterfy Hospital – National Institute of Traumatology in Budapest Hungary, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP), Hungary (home country), Belgium (country in which EAHP is based in)
- Kirstie Galbraith, Associate Director, Workforce Development Hub, Global Lead, Advanced and Speciality practice (DG4), Workforce Development Hub, Director, Experiential Development and Graduate Education, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University - Australia
- Josep Maria Guiu Segura, Vice-president Euro, Hospital Pharmacy Section, International Pharmaceutical Federation, Director of Pharmacy and Medicines, Consortium of Health and Social Care of Catalonia - Spain