FIP offers a number of individual digital events on various topic within pharmacy practice, science and education.
Individual FIP Digital Events
Delivering asthma right care: For hospital pharmacists
Asthma affects up to 1 in 10 people globally. Living well with asthma depends on avoiding triggers and using good, safe medicines in the right way at the right time. However, there is currently much sub-optimal use of medicine that can result in waste and harm including avoidable hospital attendances and admissions. Hospital pharmacists can be an important part of the asthma pathway and powerful change agents. This webinar will provide updates on major changes in international guidelines that highlight asthma is an inflammatory condition and for safety no-one over 12 should be treated with a short-acting beta-agonist (SABA) alone without inhaled corticosteroids. You will hear from experts from the Asthma Right Care social movement about how to make impactful change happen in the provision of asthma care within secondary care settings.
By the end of this webinar participants will have:
1. Received a critical update on international asthma guidelines and the implications for hospital pharmacists
2. Learnt about tools available to start a conversation with patients and prescribers about Asthma Right Care including how to address over-reliance on SABA and acute care and how to use the right medicines in the right way
3. Discussed what leadership opportunities, motivation and capabilities are needed to bring about change such as improved discharge from emergency departments and respiratory wards; and shared approaches between hospital and community pharmacists.
- Ema Paulino, Professional Secretary, FIP - Portugal
- Marina García-Pardo, Family physician, IbSalut, Mallorca - Spain
- Toby Capstick, Consultant Pharmacist - Respiratory Pharmacist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust - United Kingdom