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Causes (infectious and non-infectious)

This video highlights the main causes for sore throat, including infectious (strep throat, COVID-19, etc.) and non-infectious causes.

22 November 2022

Speaker: Douglas Burgoyne, Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Utah College of Pharmacy, USA

Douglas Burgoyne is currently adjunct associate professor at University of Utah College of Pharmacy. His previous roles at Veridicus saw Dr Burgoyne manage clinical pharmacy functions and programmes alongside disease management for self-funded employers. 

In addition, Dr Burgoyne is a member of the Global Respiratory Infection Partnership, a past president of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy and a founding member of UtahAWARE, an antibiotic resistance education programme for the state of Utah. 

As a leader of this organisation, Dr Burgoyne was influential in reducing inappropriate antibiotics use in children and adults through public awareness campaigns and physician education programmes.