Catch up with all FIP previous webinars and digital events.
Previous FIP Digital Events

Abstract Preparation and Submission
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3D Drug Printing: Revolutionizing Drug Fabrication
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Artificial Intelligence in Drug Development and Clinical Trials
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Embracing Technology in The Pharmaceutical Sector (An African Perspective) part 2
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Embracing Technology in The Pharmaceutical Sector (An African Perspective) part-1
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The Oxempic® Pandemic: time to review our ethical obligations. An examination of drug shortages, off-label prescribing and patient needs
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Artificial Intelligence for the Design of New RNA Nanocarriers
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Advancements in Inhalable Nano-Drug Delivery Systems for Targeted Lung Therapy
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PPR SIG 2024 Online
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Importance of Global Harmonization for Patient Access to Generic Drugs
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What can the Curriculo PFP Programme for Pharmaceutical Scientists do to enhance my professional development and enable me to effectively manage my career?
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Gender Equity in the Health Workforce: Accelerating progress
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Road Map for Drug Product Development and Manufacturing of Biologics
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Welcome to Pharmabridge!
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Pharmacovigilance- The Changing Global Paradigm
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Never Waste a Crisis: Disruptive Technologies in Africa during and post COVID-19 Pandemic
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FIP ECPG Strategic Plan 2023-2030 Launch: Setting the Goals Ahead for the Early Career Pharmacists, Pharmaceutical Scientists and Educators Globally
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Partnerships and Opportunities with the FIP Foundation
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“Real-time release for dissolution testing of an oral solid dosage form – case study from industry (part I) and regulatory expectations (part II)”
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FDA Office of Generic Drugs and Advancing Generic Drug Development
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New roles of pharmacists in antimicrobial resistance: fungal disease management
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Antimicrobial resistance and stewardship education: Supporting development of the pharmaceutical workforce
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Particle -size Measurement and Its Impact on Drug Bioavailability
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Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Astana Declaration: Pharmacists contributing to primary health care
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In-Vitro Release Testing of Semisolid Topical Dosage Forms
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Impact of regulatory reliance on expanding global access to essential medicines
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New Approaches for Therapeutic Pulmonary RNA Delivery
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Learn, Grow, and Develop- Part 2: A Curriculo Preview with ECPG
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Developing a high-quality research proposal - The FIP Foundation and ECPG Grant for Professional Innovation
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Motivating Language: Special Considerations for Mentoring Among Diverse Groups of Colleagues
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Harmonization and Global Efforts for Safe and Effective Generic Drugs
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The role of pharmacists in the prevention and management of sleep disorders
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From Regional to Global: The FIP Latin America Biowaiver Project
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Reflecting on successes and looking to the future: Showcase of the FIP Women in Science and Education Programme
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Precision Medicine: What will it Cost?
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The role of pharmacist in closing the gender pain gap
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Biorelevant Dissolution Testing
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Accelerating Pharmaceutical Science: innovating and collaborating to fight COVID-19 and future pandemics
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Commemorating the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week: Pharmacy taking action
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Commemorating the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week: Pharmacy taking action
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Facilitar el acceso a los medicamentos: Estudios de casos de reglamentación de bioexenciones de América Latina
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The patient voice in generic medicine development
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Creating development goal indicators – bridging data and outcomes (Western Pacific Region)
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Creating development goal indicators – bridging data and outcomes (Eastern Mediterranean Region)
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Facilitating access to medicines: Biowaiver regulatory case studies from Latin America
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Facilitar el acceso a los medicamentos: Estudios de casos de reglamentación de bioexenciones de América Latina
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Creating development goal indicators – bridging data and outcomes (Southeast Asian Region)
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Creating development goal indicators – bridging data and outcomes (African Region)
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Creating development goal indicators – bridging data and outcomes (European Region)
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Creating development goal indicators – bridging data and outcomes (Americas Region)
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RNA-based medicines for unmet medical needs
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Precision Medicine: Where is the technology heading?
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Metodología GA-RxODE en ensayos clínicos de Bioequivalencia Fundamentos y aplicaciones.
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Bioequivalencia - Estudios de Permeabilidad: principios, metodologías y análisis de datos
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Building data and intelligence capabilities to provide evidence of impact for the profession
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Delivering person-centred support for COVID-19: current and future pharmacy practice
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Bioequivalencia - Estudios de Disolución de Formas Farmacéuticas
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Bioequivalencia - Estudios de Solubilidad de Fármacos
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Expedited Regulatory Pathways – possible in developing countries with strong reliance practices and post-authorization surveillance systems
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Expedited Regulatory Pathways – possible in developing countries with strong reliance practices and post-authorization surveillance systems (French translation)
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Expedited Regulatory Pathways – possible in developing countries with strong reliance practices and post-authorization surveillance systems (Spanish translation)
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Bioequivalencia - Sistema de Clasificación Biofarmacéutica: Fundamentos y aplicaciones a las bioexenciones
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Managing workforce demand in a pandemic – now and in future
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Evidence and impact: where are we now and where next for data and intelligence for advancing pharmacy worldwide?
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Therapeutic advances against COVID-19
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Clinical evaluation of large volume subcutaneous injection tissue effects, pain, and acceptability in healthy adults
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The role of community pharmacies in COVID-19 booster vaccination: Opportunities and supply chain challenges in a post-pandemic scenario
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Precision Medicine: The current status
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COVID-19: where are we now and where next?
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FDA (CDER): Generic Development and Bridging Global Regulations
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Facilitar el acceso a los medicamentos: Bioequivalencia - Perspectiva de las agencias reguladoras de América Latina
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Combatting Malaria: New horizon of vaccines and drug discovery by young pharmaceutical scientists
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In Vitro In Vivo (IVIV) Correlations: Establishing a correlation between in vitro tests and in vivo product performance
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FIP Development Goals Special Event: Launch of a global report and new online knowledge centre
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 21 - FINALE | FIP DG 11: Impact & outcomes
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 20 | FIP DG 14: Medicines expertise
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Facilitar el acceso a los medicamentos: estudios de casos de reglamentación de bioexenciones de América Latina
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 19 | FIP DG 17: Antimicrobial stewardship
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Leadership summit on pharmacy-based vaccination policy and advocacy
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 18 | FIP DG 3: Quality assurance
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Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the African region
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Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the Western Pacific region
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 17 | FIP DG 5: Competency development
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Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the South East Asian region
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3D printing of pharmaceuticals: get ready
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FIP Global Summit on Primary Health Care: Pharmacists transforming vision into actions
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 16 | FIP DG 8: Working with others
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Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the European region
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Facilitating Access to Medicines – Scientific Rationale for the FIP Latin America Biowaiver Project
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FIP WiSE: Women in science and education: Launch of the enabling workplace toolkit
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Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the Eastern Mediterranean region
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Pharmacist-led mental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
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Acceso sostenible y equitativo a las vacunas: Establecimiento de prioridades y fijación de políticas en la región de las Américas
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Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the Americas region
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mRNA Technology for Vaccines & Therapeutics
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 15 | FIP DG 12: Pharmacy intelligence
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Working together across systems to transform vaccination policy: working with others in our professions, with other disciplines and agencies to establish sustainable policies
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 14 | FIP DG 13: Policy development
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 13 | FIP DG 19: Patient safety
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Host Madsen Medal winner 2021 - Multifunctional Envelope-type Nano Device from Controlled Intracellular Trafficking to Clinical Application for Nanomedicines
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Comprender la reticencia a las vacunas y fomentar la confianza en ellas mediante conversaciones eficaces
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Comprendre la réticence à l'égard de la vaccination et renforcer la confiance dans les vaccins par des conversations efficaces
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 12 | FIP DG 2: Early career training strategy
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Health illiteracy and vaccine misinformation as determinants for equity: developing policies to establish access to quality information in an equitable way
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 11 | FIP DG 7: Advancing integrated services
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Vaccinations and the genders: Examining inequities in gender access and handling of vaccinations globally to inform pharmacy policy
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 10 | FIP DG 4: Advanced and specialist development
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Pharmacists’ experiences in crises in Lebanon: The Lebanese financial crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, and the Beirut Port blast.
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The role of pharmacists in the prevention and management of vector-borne diseases: a perspective from the Western Pacific region
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 9 | FIP DG 6: Leadership development
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Looking ahead: Post-pandemic recovery and restoration of services
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Equity, access & sustainability through life’s ages and stages: Enabling a life course-approach to vaccination
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 8 | FIP DG 15: People-centred care
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Joining forces across health professionals towards improved vaccination coverage
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Workshop on systematic reviews and meta-analyses
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Pharmacy Practice Research Virtual Summer Meeting for PhD students, Postdoctoral fellows and supervisors
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 7 | FIP DG 9: Continuing professional development strategies
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Introducing the FIP ‘Transforming Vaccination Globally, Regional and Nationally’ 2021: Accelerating equity, access and sustainability through policy development and implementation
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 6 | FIP DG 21: Sustainability in pharmacy
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FIP Guidelines for Dissolution Testing of Solid Oral Products
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 5 | FIP DG 1: Academic capacity
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 4 | FIP DG 20: Digital health
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QbD in Biologics Drug Product Development and Manufacturing
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 3 | FIP DG 16: Communicable diseases
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 2 | FIP DG 18: Access to medicines, devices & services
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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 1 | FIP DG 10: Equity & equality
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Navigating an academic career in the field of pharmaceutical sciences
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Career development: What a career at a pharmaceutical company might look like
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The role of the pharmaceutical scientist in a government body
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Manufacturing Classification System for oral solid dosage forms: Good in Theory and in Practice
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The pharmacy practice research journey – Moving from your research idea to publication
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Removing policy barriers to pharmacist vaccinations: FIP DG 13 Policy Development
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Transforming our workforce: Evolving the pharmacist's qualification
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Enabling practice: Empowering pharmacists & removing barriers
Moderators: Ema Paulino, Paul Sinclair. Panellists: Dalia Dawoud, Helena Rosado, Sofía Segura.
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Transforming practice: A focus on strategy & policy for global change
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Introducing the FIP 'Transforming Vaccination Globally & Regionally' series Programme… needs, action and outcomes
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Transforming Global Pharmacy: Launch of the FIP Development Goals
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Can the world afford low vaccination coverage rates? Broadening vaccination gateways through pharmacies
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Driving AMR action in a new decade
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Ask the Presidents: Reflections on COVID-19 biggest impact, concerns and opportunities in the post-pandemic world
Moderator: Catherine Duggan. Panellists: Dominique Jordan, Robert Moss, Lars-Åke Söderlund and Ulf Janzon.
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Pharmacy Practice Research priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic
Moderators: Charlotte Verner Rossing and Dalia Dawoud. Panellists: Shane Desselle, Ian Bates and Zaheer Babar.
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The Rise of Substandard & Falsified Medical Products during the COVID-19 (Part2)
Moderator: Lina Bader. Panellists:Oksana Pyzik, Maryam Jetha, Mike Isles, Flandrie Habyarimana and Stanislas Barro.
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The FIP CEO Interviews... Robert Sindelar
Professor Robert Sindelar, Dean Emeritus at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, is Catherine Duggan’s guest on this week’s episode of “The FIP CEO interviews . . .”.
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Intro to FIP SIG: Drug Delivery & Manufacturing, New Medicines & New Generation of Pharm. Scientists
Panellists: Aliasger K. Salem, Takuya Kumamoto and Rebecka Isaksson
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Key considerations for developing COVID-19 treatments: learning from the past and planning for the future
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Winter is coming: Influenza vaccination in times of COVID19–Best practices from Southern Hemisphere:
Panellists: Mariet Eksteen, Bettina Caponi and Andi Shirtcliffe.
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The rise of substandard & falsified medical products during the COVID-19 pandemic
Panellists: Oksana Pyzik, Maryam Jetha, Mike Isles, Flandrie Habyarimana and Stanislas Barro
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COVID-19: Women front and center.
Panellists: Mariam El Boakye-Gyasi, Ecehan Balta, Rajani Shakya and Anyango Esther.
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World pharmacists’ COVID-19 online meeting
Webinar organised by theTurkish Pharmacists’ Association (TPA), in collaboration with FIP.
Panellists: Ahmet Çakan, Jacqueline Surugue, Ash Soni, Eeva Teräsalmi and Jaime Acosta
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Communicating COVID 19 risk to promote positive behaviour change
Panellists: Liesje Donkin, Stefanie Pügge, Carina Vetye and Amy Chan
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Hearing from our heroes: Mental health and resilience of the workforce
Panellists: Sarah Dineen-Griffin, Catriona Bradley, Iman Bashiti, Mariet Eksteen and Sunayana Shah.
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Pharmacy’s fight against COVID-19 in the USA
FIP Webcast with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
Panellists: Arash Dabestani and Daniel Cobaugh
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Hearing from our heroes. Pharmacists fighting COVID-19 at the frontline
Panellists: Luna Al Bizri, Nadia Bukhari, Piotr Merks, Jaime Acosta Gomez and Nelly Nonette
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Role of regulators in addressing the WHO Patient Safety Challenge
Panelists: Dan Burns, Catherine Duggan, Leonora O'Brien and Anastasia Shiamptanis
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Mass vaccination campaigns
Panellists: Ms Petra Straight and Mr Steve Shaddock.
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Experience Sharing of COVID-19 from China: Medicine & Pharmacist
Panellists: Rongsheng Zhao, Dong Liu, Yun Liao
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¿Cuál es el aporte del farmacéutico asistencial en la pandemia por COVID-19?
Moderator: Nuria Montero. Panelists: Dra. Sofía Segura Cano.
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Navigating an academic career in the field of pharmaceutical sciences
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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV: How can pharmacists help control the outbreak?
Panellist: Gonçalo Sousa Pinto
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Advanced role of the next generation of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists in public health
Speakers: Clement Haeck and Tsai (Christopher Chua) Yu-Lin
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Challenges of nanomedicine follow-on products. From regulatory to formulary selection
Speakers: Vinod Shah, Stefan Mühlebach & John Hertig
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Official launch - Report on the outcomes of global conference on pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences education
Speakers: Philip Schneider and Ian Bates
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Introduction to Pharmacoeconomics
A/Prof Dr. Ola Al Ahdab, Phd