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Accelerating Pharmaceutical Science: innovating and collaborating to fight COVID-19 and future pandemics
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the greatest public health emergencies of our time. The development of new diagnostics, treatments and vaccinations has arguably required greater innovation and collaboration across research, pharmaceutical industry and healthcare sectors than ever before. This event reflects on innovations and collaborations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Consideration will be given to applying what has been learnt to future pandemics.
To reflect on innovations and collaborations in pharmaceutical science that have made an impact against COVID-19. To consider how to apply this learning to our response to future pandemics.
Learning objectives:
• Explain how pharmaceutical scientists innovated and collaborated in the fight against COVID-19.
• List challenges and opportunities for the development of diagnostics, treatments and vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic;
• Discuss approaches for fast-tracking diagnostics, treatments and vaccinations in future pandemics without compromising patient safety.
• Reflect on what has been learned from innovative and collaborative approaches during the COVID-19 pandemic that can be used for future pandemics.
- Chris John, FIP Lead for Data and Intelligence, UK
- Louise Druedahl, Researcher University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- N Udupa, Research Director Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University, India
- Yvonne Perrie, Professor of Drug Delivery University of Strathclyde, UK