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Career Paths and Opportunities in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences
Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences encompass a very diverse field. The options are almost infinite as science and practice evolves. It is therefore of great advantage for young pharmacists if they can discover their path early on in their careers.
In this webinar, information about different career paths and opportunities will be shared with participants with the aim of helping them navigate the career paths and opportunities in diverse settings and specialist areas.
By the end of the webinar, participants will be able.
1. To understand the possible career paths and opportunities for young pharmacists in industrial pharmacy.
2. To understand the possible career paths and opportunities for young pharmacists in Academia.
3. To understand the possible career paths and opportunities for young pharmacist in regulatory pharmacy.
-Onyeka Obidiegwu, Member relations Coordinator, FIP YPG Subcommittee 2021, Pharmacist Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Nigeria
-Clement Haeck, FIP YPG Twitter Manager, FIP YPG Subcommittee 2021 Researcher The Population Council, USA
-Yoonjung Choi, Member/Previous Career Development Toolkit Working Group, Research Scientist
Korea Institute for Pharmaceutical Policy Affairs Republic of Korea
-Anisha Sandhu, FIP YPG Workforce Development Hub Liaison, Assistant Lecturer Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia
-Angeliki Kopsini, Medical Science Liaison Cardiovascular Bayer Hellas, Pharmaceutical Division, Greece