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Previous FIP Digital Events
Empowering pharmacists to support tobacco cessation in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
In the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 17.9 % of people aged 15 years and over are tobacco users. Given the global and regional prevalence and burden of tobacco use, particularly as a risk factor for noncommunicable diseases, it is important that the role of pharmacists in tobacco use prevention and cessation is expanded and consolidated. FIP and the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Pharmaceutical Forum invite you to join this event to learn more about the burden of tobacco use in the Eastern Mediterranean region and the role that pharmacists can play in tobacco cessation. The event will include insights from the WHO Regional Office, country examples of pharmacist services and the presentation of FIP resources to advance tobacco cessation through pharmacists.
- Nadia Al Mazrouei, President EMRPharm Forum, UAE
- Fatimah El-Awa, Regional Adviser, Tobacco Free Initiative WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (WHO EMRO), Egypt
- Wael Ali, - President of Egyptian organization of pharmacy (EOP), - Vice president of Eastern Mediterranean Pharmaceutical (EMRPharm) Forum, Egyptian organization of pharmacy, Egypt
- Pascale Salameh, PharmD, MPH, PhD, HDR - Professor of Epidemiology INSPECT-LB & Lebanese University, Lebanon
- Husam ALSalamat, Chairperson of Continuous Professional Development CPD committee, Jordan Pharmacists Association, Jordan
- Inês Nunes da Cunha, FIP Practice Development and Transformation Projects Manager FIP. The Netherlands