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Management of common skin conditions and ailments in the community pharmacy

1 July 2024

Most common skin diseases are rarely life-threatening; however, they have a negative impact on the quality of life of individuals and require care and treatment. They affect patients’ physical and mental well-being, their ability to function, and their social interactions. Leveraging on their accessibility and convenience, pharmacists are well-positioned to manage these conditions and offer accurate and reliable self-care information and products to empower individuals to manage such health problems. This event will explore some common skin ailments pharmacists encounter and their role in managing these ailments to promote good health and general well-being.

- Jack Shen Lim, General Secretary Malaysian Pharmacists Society (MPS), Malaysia

- Ana Zovko, Owner and director Chamber of Masters of Pharmacy of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Adaeze Aroh, Chief Superintendent Pharmacist Curascare Pharmacy Ltd, Nigeria
- Tomás Muret Ramón, National Lead for Dermopharmacy General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Spain
- Santhy Shetty, Specialist Dermatology Prescribing Pharmacist/Locum Pharmacist Vita Health/Narie Holistic/Boots & Independent Pharmacies, United Kingdom