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Previous FIP Digital Events
Hospital Pharmacy Practice & Achievements in EMRO. What next?
The event is organized by the HPS to share the Hospital Pharmacy practice and achievements in EMRO.
Six different countries will be sharing their experience.
- Waël Abi-Ghanem, VP FIP Hospital Pharmacy Section for EMRO, Lebanon
- Anas Hamad, Director of Pharmacy Department National Center for Cancer Care & Research, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar
- Fakhr Al-Ayoubi, Head of the Cardiology Quality Pharmacy Team
Department of Cardiac Sciences KFCC, College of Medicine, King Saoud University, Saudi Arabia
- Suzan S.Hammoudeh, Pharmacy Administrative Affairs Head
King Hussein Cancer Center, Jordan
- Salwa Ahsan, Chief of Pharmacy (Shifa) Shifa International Hospitals Ltd. & Pakistan Society of Health-System Pharmacist (PSHP), Pakistan
- Ina Adaimy, Head of Pharmacy department Saint Joseph University Hospital, Lebanon
- Mohamed Nagy, Pharmacy Director Children's Cancer Hospital Egypt, Egypt