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Previous FIP Digital Events
Vaccination: Benefits beyond specific disease prevention - Part 4
This is the 4th and final episode in the FIP series ‘Vaccination: Benefits beyond specific disease prevention’ which aimed to highlight the extensive advantages of vaccination beyond merely guarding against specific pathogens in older adults.
Parts 1 and 2 focused on the evidence base of indirect benefits of vaccination in areas such as cardiovascular health, diabetes and arthritis in older adults and prolonged immune responses that contribute to sustained health. They also underscored the indispensable role of pharmacists in promoting healthy aging through vaccination.
Este webinar se impartirá en inglés con traducción simultánea al español
Este webinar será apresentado em inglês com tradução simultânea para português
Ce webinaire se déroulera en anglais avec traduction simultanée en français.
- Lina Bader, FIP Lead for Equity, sustainability policy and development International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), Netherlands
- Dalia Bajis, FIP Lead for Provision and Partnerships
FIP, The Netherlands
- Eric J. Yager, Associate Professor, Microbiology; Chair, Department of Allied Health Sciences; Director, Pre-Pharmacy Programme; Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, USA
- Nicola Veronese, Senior Researcher, University of Palermo, Italy