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A Culture for Sustained Mentoring: Organizational Perspective

2 May 2023

This 3rd of 4 Digital Events on mentorship will follow the second event that examined relationships and communication among peers to facilitate successful collaboration. This Event will focus on the responsibilities and behaviours of the organization in promoting successful mentorship. Buy-in from administrators/leaders, recognizing good mentoring, incorporating training and establishing a culture of mentorship, and investing resources will result in not only initial success of a mentoring programme, but also its long-term viability. The program will feature research outlining successful practices a well as speakers with leadership responsibility for long-standing, effective mentoring programs at both organizational and even national levels.

- Efi Mantzourani, Reader in Pharmaceutical Sciences - Wales

- Shane Desselle, Associate Dean of Research and Professor Touro University California College of Pharmacy - United States
- Anandi Law, Professor and Associate Dean Western University - United States
- Sanna Passi, Finnish Pharmacists Association - Finland