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Previous FIP Digital Events
Non-pharmacological approaches and lifestyle changes to support patients’ self-care
Speaker: Darush Attar-Zadeh, Respiratory Lead Pharmacist, Community Pharmacy Locum, Independent Prescriber, Cross Chemist, North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group, UK
Darush is a Pharmacist, Behaviour Change Specialist and International Respiratory Trainer.
He has presented at various national & international conferences (including ERS, IPCRG, PCRS, Clinical Pharmacy Congress) and was asked to help review the National Training Standards for Smoking Cessation. He is an active teacher and follower of the IPCRG Asthma Right Care social movement and enjoys spreading positive messages on how people can live much better with asthma.
Darush has published more than 20 clinical papers and writes teaching modules on various pharmacy platforms. He has been recognised by his healthcare peers at the 2019 PCPA GP Pharmacist awards for excellence.