Expanded horizons of pharmacy practice

Men's health from a pharmacy angle: Supporting men with erectile dysfunction and improving awareness of prostate cancer

16 November 2023

Pharmacists can provide education and services related to key men’s health issues like erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer. This event will overview treatment options for erectile dysfunction, adequate medication use, including non-prescription medicines, and counselling points for these patients. Further, examples of specific campaigns in these areas can help attendees gain insights and skills to better support men in our communities for conditions highlighted by this global campaign.

- Rúben Viegas, Practice Development and Transformation Projects Coordinator, FIP ,The Netherlands

- Nour Eltahla, FIP Projects coordinator for Equity, sustainability policy and development, FIP, Netherlands
- Regina Ahmed, Guidance Manager, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, UK
- Pablo Caballero Portero, Scientific Dissemination Technician
General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Spain
- Raj Vaidya, Community Pharmacist, Hindu Pharmacy, Panaji – Goa, India